Give us a call today 303-798-6932!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The grass is only greener on the other side.............

When you water it and maintain it correctly - here are a list of tips to start you off on the right foot:

#5: Lawn Mower Tune-Up

Chances are your mower has been sitting dormant in a garage for three, four, maybe even five months. It's time to get that thing out and show it some love. There are a few things you'll need to do. First, change the oil, air filter and spark plug. This is basic yearly maintainence that will keep your machine running smoothly for years longer than it would if you neglected it. If you don't care to attempt these upgrades yourself, a mower repair shop or sales facility will take care of it for you in exchange for a bit of money.

Another important piece of mower maintainence is to sharpen your blades. This will save a lot of time as mowing with dull blades can be a pretty time consuming process that also leaves your lawn as an eyesore. A mower maintainence shop should also be able to assist with sharpening your blades.

#4: Pull Weeds

You can either spray weeds with an herbicide or pull them if you are into organic lawn and garden practices. By pulling weeds before they can produce seeds, their presence will be minimized over the course of the season.

#3: Aerate

One of the healthiest things you can do for a spring lawn is to aerate. The process of aeration involves either removing small cores of soil from the ground (called core aeration) or by puncturing the soil with small spikes (spike aeration). This process is helpful in reducing thatch buildup which can harm your lawn. Another good way to remove thatch is to rake in the spring. Despite there being very few leaves, raking will pull away excessive harmful thatch. Aeration also makes it easier for crucial nutrients and water reach your soil.

#2: Light Layer of Fertilizer

"Light" is the imperative word here. A lawn can be fertilized organically or chemically. Regardless of your choice, use a light dusting to help lawn growth. Too much can promote disease and weed buildup.

#1: Seed

Spring is the perfect time to assess your lawn's health and take steps to improve weak areas. If you have patches of lawn that have been damaged by human feet, dog waste, snow, etc, reseeding the lawn can help fill in these trouble spots. Ideally, you should try to seed problem patches in the fall, but in a bad situation, seeding in the spring can be fine. After all, you don't want to go all summer with unsightly dead patches, so remedy the situation now.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Benefits of seeing your home in a new light.....

One of the ways to add ambiance to your home is to have the light to your home made to accentuate its features and  of course:

Increases Curb Appeal - Outdoor lighting increases the value and resale of your home and compliments your landscaping investment.

Practical and elegant - Allows you to enjoy more hours outside and creates an elegant atmosphere for entertaining.

Expandable - Designed to meet your outdoor lighting needs today and in the future.
Adds safety and security - Increases protection for your family and friends. Deters trespassers and intruders.

Installs with no disturbance - No disturbance to your landscaping or property. Professional installers with careful attention to detail.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Cleaning Isn't Easy...

With Springtime, comes many tasks and lists of things to do....some that may seem to be endless and harder than you're equipped or prepared for or to do.

That's where Kelly Green Services can help. If you're looking at a job, you're not too sure how to do or what to do next...give us a call and we can help make that honey do list, disappear!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Colorado Spring Snow Storms

Yes, every year we come to the time where we feel...please let us have Spring and say goodbye to winter. Only thing is, when Spring do most of our snow storms. Don't worry though, we've already started warming up, so the snow is gone within the next few days! Just be ready and prepared for yet another day of snow, rain or sleet and be thankful for the precipitation because it really does lead to greener pastures....and no restrictions for watering this Summer!!

If you're needing help getting through these Spring storms or just trying to get ready for the warmer weather ahead...give us a call, we can help!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Senior Safety At Home Tips

Home Safety Tips

By making your family member’s home safe and secure you will allow them to stay at home and maintain their independence.

Are telephones accessible in case someone falls?

Are space heaters being used safety?

Is there a strong stable step stool available?

Are all rugs, runners and mats skid or slip resistant?

Are handrails installed along hallways?

In the Bathroom

Does the bathing area have nonskid mats or non-slippery surfaces?

Are the bath and shower equipped with grab bars?

Is the water temperature 120 degrees or below to avoid burns?

Has a shower seat been installed?

Have you installed a hand-held shower to simplify bathing?

Should you consider an elevated toilet seat for easier use?

When you are not there

A Personal Emergency Response System gives you piece of mind 24 hours a day. You can list several phone numbers for emergency contact. Besides 911 you may include a neighbor’s number and several others. This two way communication device plugs into a standard phone line. It is activated by a simple push of a button, worn either on the wrist or as a pendent.

For Emergencies Always call 911

And for help call us 303-798-6932!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ways to start off your Spring Cleaning with the right steps....

For the outdoors:

You'll want to make sure that you get rid all the past years debris, leaves, plants that the winter has caused it's life to no longer cause growth.

Don't forget sometimes, if you haven't gotten to your gutters since fall and even when all the leaves have fallen off the trees....time to get those gutters cleaned...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring time is coming...

Spring is just around the corner, and that means gardens, lawns, and all the little things that make the outdoors fun. But taking care of the outdoors takes a little effort. Here are a few things you should do now to

get an early start.

Dust off the Tractor

For the last few months your lawn and garden equipment have been sitting in the shed or garage gathering dust. It's time to brush them off, and give them a little tender loving care.

For machines like tractors, mowers, and weed eaters you should make sure they are clean, their blades are sharp, and the oil has been changed. If you left gas in the tank and did not use a stabilizer for the winter you may want to put some in, or add some new gas.

Once you've cleaned everything up you can start them up and make sure they sound right. Now they will be ready when the ground is dry.

Buy, Buy, Buy

Sales have just begun for seeds, new lawn and garden equipment, fertilizer, and any number of other items. If you start gathering them now, when there is time to look around and take your time, then you are more likely to get some deals.

The Nursery

The local nursery is the best place for information. You can ask when bare root trees will be available, prices, and types. You can also order specialty plants, or ask about different items they may have available.

Remember, different types of plants should be planted at different times of the year. Ask which ones are best planted in the spring, for lawn or garden, and get an early jump in your planning.

The Plan

All garden beds, weather vegetable or floral, benefit greatly from having a plan, both in aesthetics and in mechanics.

Take this time to draw a simple layout of your yard and sketch in sections where you may want specific flowers, herbs, or vegetables. Working in pencil allows you the chance to move things around, and experiment, before you dig anything up.


The best time to learn what will work best in your garden, and how to care for it, is before planting season that way you don't loose any time in planting it.